A message
from our CEO
Our mission is to provide unwavering support, compassion, and resources to those facing the profound challenges of cancer, foster care, and domestic violence. Guided by our commitment to empathy and empowerment, we strive to create a community where individuals and families affected by these hardships can find strength, resilience, and a renewed sense of hope. Through innovative programs, comprehensive assistance, and a network of dedicated volunteers, we aim to foster healing, advocate for justice, and inspire positive transformations in the lives of those we serve. Together, we envision a world where everyone impacted by cancer, foster care, or domestic violence can access the support and resources needed to rebuild their lives and reclaim their sense of dignity, purpose, and joy
Jane HEath
Executive Director
Hope During the Storm is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 87-3850681
Creating an
inclusive future
At Hope During the Storm, we stand as a beacon of hope and support for those navigating the challenging landscapes of cancer, foster care, and domestic violence. Founded on the belief that no one should face these hardships alone, our organization has been a steadfast companion in the journey toward healing and resilience.
What We Do
Fostering trust
and creating opportunity
in Numbers
Stabilize Foster Children
Support systems for those aging out can impact their transition to adulthood
Engagement Growth
By embracing a comprehensive approach that combines active listening, trust-building, and strategic partnerships,we can foster a vibrant and resilient community ecosystem.
Strengthening Communities
By fostering connections, empowering individuals, and promoting social, economic, and cultural well-being.
Celebrating our progress
Foster Youth Program
Cohousing facilities, respite centers, and care packs
Support for survivors of domestic violence
and Social Impact
Care packages to people experiencing cancer, and their caregivers thrive
Provide mentorship and training to youth that are aging out of foster care
Creating sustainable communities
We give voices to countless individuals from underrepresented backgrounds
Our Vision for
the Future
Inclusive Innovative Resources
Co-housing opportunities
Empowerment Grants
Building a more inclusive world, together
Join us in our mission